A big long list of all our episodes!
Where are the new blog posts?
For episodes after #131 there will no longer be blog posts. This year we are really trying to lighten our load anywhere we can, to give us enough time to record new episodes around other events in our lives, (studies, work, family, etc...). We will try to be much more...
#131 – The Unabomber
Tiss talks about Ted Kaczynski, otherwise known as 'The Unabomber'. Merry Christmas everyone. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played sections from the following videos on this episode, all are available to view in full on...
#130 – The Warrens R.I.P.
We have finally reached the final episodes on the paranormal investigative duo; Ed and Lorraine Warren. We talk about one final case; The Smurl Family, and give our final thoughts. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played...
#129 – Dragons!
Beef hosts, and we talk about dragons. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played sections from the following videos on this episode, all are available to view in full on YouTube via the following links: The Bombardier Beetle...
#128 -Suppressed Inventions
An ill Tiss talks about a number of suppressed inventions, including lightbulb cartels, the cloudbuster, the EV-1, and the water powered car. We are all tired and chatty. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played sections from...
#127 – Murderabilia
We get into a ethical discussion about the collecting of murder-related memorabilia. Who does it, and why? Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played sections from the following videos on this episode, all are available to view...
#126 – Moon Landing
Beef talks about the history, science, and conspiracies of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played sections from the following videos on this episode, all are available to view in full on...
#125 – Weird York
Bob and Rebecca head to York, one of the most haunted cities in the UK (or the world!) to talk about ghost cats, ghost dogs, ghost humans, and viking faeces. We visit York Mister, The Golden Fleece, The Shambles, and more... Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other...
#124 – Listener Stories 2019
On this episode we dig into a grab bag of strange stories sent into us by listeners. UFOs, monsters, imaginary friends, psychics, and healers. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Thanks to: Jake Pharr Craig S Ben Mumford (LOTW) Luke Andy...
#123 – Messiah Complex
We take a look at some situations involving self-proclaimed messiahs, including David Shayler, Branch Davidian, and Heaven's Gate. Plus some diversions into Boards of Canada, and Bob has another counselling session. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast...
#122: Weird News: Dobby’s Loose, & Others
Weird News! The Toffee Crisp update, flight mh370 update, an asteroid is going to kill us all, Dobby walks among us, extinct creautres back from the dead, Virgin goes galactic, and Tom Delonge is low on funds. Plus lots of AI talk. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most...
#121 – Zombies
The history of zombies, resurrection, zombies in the animal kingdom, zombie science, cannibalism, and braaaaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnnsssssss... Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played clips from the following videos on the episodes,...
#120 – The Middle Ages
Beef takes us back in time to look at the weirdest hobbies, worst torture techniques, and most worrisome medical practises, including attempted cures for the bubonic plague, (or Black Death). Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos You...
#119 – Da Vinci
Tiss hosts an episode that asks: Did Leonardo Da Vinci hide secrets in his paintings? Did he invent a horse-controlled tank? Was he abducted by aliens? - Listen and find out... Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played sections...
#118 – Dinosaurs!
Open the door, get on the floor, Everybody talk the dinosaur. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played sections from the following videos on this episode, click the links to view them in their entirety on YouTube - How The...
#117 – Suspicious Deaths
Beef hosts an episode where we take a look at three suspicious deaths - Marilyn Monroe, Jill Dando, and Bella - Who did put Bella in the wych elm? Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Videos We played sections from the following videos on...
#116 – The Anunnaki & The Sumerians
Tiss hosts an episode all about the Anunnaki and the Sumerians, which gets derailed multiple times. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. The Anunnaki Documentary We played clips from the documentary 'Searching For The Garden Of Eden' on...
#115 – The Warrens: The Southend Werewolf
We're kicking off our relaunch with another case from The Warrens! This one looks at their encounters with the real life werewolf of London; Bill Ramsey. We also take a little time to talk about their visits to Borley Rectory, and Lorraine's witnessing of the...
#114 – Hollow Earth
After the popularity of our Flat Earth episode, it was requested that we tackle the similarly ludicrous Hollow Earth theory. Tiss attempts to convince us of underground Nazis, inner suns, and hidden arctic entrances, while Bob and Beef struggle to hold it together... ...
#113 – Reality.
It's our first Discussion ep in a long time. We're joined by Yas to talk about Reality... kind of. We go way off the rails, even for a discussion episode, and talk about language, employment, education, and Bob has a breakdown. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other...
#112 – Weird Phone Calls
We go through 8 stories involving weird phone calls, all linked to previous episodes of WTATU. Bigfoot, The Men In Black, Zodiac - the whole gang's here. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. YouTube links You can view the full video/audio...
#111 – Shakespeare or Fakespeare?
After all the jokes, we're finally tackling our most requested conspiracy... Was William 'The Bard' Shakespeare a big old Fakespeare? Beef leads Bob and Tiss through a history lesson, we play a game of Strat or Anti-Strat, and we look at the lead contenders for the...
#110 – UFO Sightings
Bob and Beef are joined by Shaun, and go hunting for UFOs in Aylesbury, where a number of UFOs have been spotted over the years. This episode is also interspersed with UFO sighting stories from listeners and friends. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast...
#109 – Weird News: Toffee Crisp Wife & Others
Weird News! A short episode to tide the listeners over while we get ourselves together, recorded over Skype. Aliens, ghosts, conspiracies, and chocolates bars, followed by milk, go carts, and clean connections. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast...
#108 – Investigations: The Devil’s Bridge
Bob and Rick visit Spooky Lane to investigate The Devil's Bridge, where the face of Satan himself is said to have been seen, as well as ghost monks, strange noises, and flashing lights. The location has been used for Satanic rituals in the past, and locals try to...
#107 – Fright & Horror, with Rev. Peter Laws
Bob and Beef are joined by author, fear-junkie, and Reverend, Peter Laws for a special interview episode, where we revisit to the topic of Fear. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Peter Laws Peter Laws has written two novels (so far) in...
#106 – The Warrens: The Demon Murder Case
Back to The Warrens! This time we look at The Demon Murder Case, otherwise known as "The Devil Made Me Do It" Case, dealing with the possession of David Glatzel, the murder of Alan Bono, and the trial of Arne Cheyenne Johnson. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other...
#105b – Crystal Shopping
For a special mini companion to the Crystals episode, Bob and Becca go Crystal Shopping. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Here's a pic of the crystals that Bob and Becca bought -
#105 – Crystals
We're Back! Rather than make a big deal of it, we decided to give you a regular Weird Tales ep - Tiss walks us through the world of Crystals and Crystal Skulls. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Pictures Tiss testing - Beef's Headache -...
#104 – Weird Vienna: Outskirts
Part 2 of 2. Bob and Becca continue exploring the stranger parts of Vienna. This time leaving the centre to walk around graveyards, and visit the nation of Kugelmugel. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Some pictures taken during...
#103 – Weird Vienna: Central
Part 1 of 2. A bonus episode to tide you over until the proper return. Bob and Becca walk the streets of central Vienna to talk about crypts, ghosts, and open-faced sandwiches. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Some pictures taken during...
# 102 – Weird News: Driftwood? & Others
It's the last WTATU for a while, so what better way to go out than everyone's favourite - Weird News. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Dinosaur Mysterious dinosaur-like creature discovered with flesh still on its bones leaves scientists...
#101 – Weird Christmas 2017
Weird Tales Christmas Special! Another round of Coin In The Pudding, more Christmas singing, and a load of moaning. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Not a lot for the blog this week. Bob's top 10 films of 2017. (no order) Get Out Baby Driver...
#100 – Episode One Hundred
It's Episode 100! Weird Tales Q&A, listener's stories, reminiscing, announcements and tattoos. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Tattoos Bob's tattoo - Bob's tattoo was done by the artist CROM, check out some of his other stuff at the...
#99 – Regression
Past Life Regression Therapy. Bob and Tiss visit Nicky Phoenix again, this time to send Tiss into his past lives... Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Nicky Phoenix If you want to contact Nicky, then you can do so at -...
#98 – Eschatology
It's the end of the world as we know it (and we feel fine). We look at the study of the End Times, The Rapture, and Jesus' Second Coming. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Jesus? The full videos we played clips of the show, regarding...
#97 – Halloween Campfire 2017
Happy Halloween! We gathered around the fire again to tell more spooky stories. Thanks to all that attended! Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services.
#96 – Weird Japan
We talk Japanese superstitions & urban legends, take a look at the Aokigahara suicide forest, and ask 'Why would anyone eat fugu?' Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Superstitions Some of the Superstitions were taken from this article...
#95 – Flat Earth
Tiss tries his best to convince Bob and Beef that the Earth is flat... Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. WTATU Merch Store has launched! - https://www.teepublic.com/user/wtatu The Documentary The documentary that we mainly...
#94 – Superstitions
Beef hosts an episode looking at some of the most common of superstitions, and how they started. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Superstition Links The superstitions origins were taken from this article on livescience.com - The...
#93 – WTATU X Macabre London
Bob teams up with Nikki Druce of the Macabre London Podcast to explore some more of Weird London. We visit The Old Operating Theatre, The Clink, Crossbones Graveyard, and 50 Berkeley Square. Listen to WTATU on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services, and...
#92 – Conspiracies of the Church: The Bible
It's Bob Vs Beef! We take a look at some Biblical Conspiracies in the first of a three-part series. Alien Jesus, missing books, Christ myth, dinosaurs, and more. We also ask the hard-hitting question - Did Jesus invent the chair? Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most...
#91 – Philosophies Of The Mind
Tiss leads us on a discussion filled episode, asking - What is the Mind? We listen to a few mind philosophies from Eckhart Tolle, Sadhguru, Mingyur Rinpoche, and Alan Watts, and talk about pain bodies, monkey minds, meditation, The Phantom Menace, and spoiler...
#90 – Rasputin
Beef delivers a biography of the Mad Monk himself - Gregori Rasputin. Hypnotist, Mystic, Cult Leader, Immortal, Russia's Greatest Love Machine, and a Cat That Really Was Gone. Listen on Acast, iTunes, and most other podcast services. Pictures Videos The...
#89 – Ghost Stories, v3
A collection of stories from listeners of the show, including the long awaited - Charlie's Story. Listen on Acast, iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Thanks Special Thanks to the following listeners for contributing to this episode - Charlie...
#88 – The Warrens: The Snedeker House & Union Cemetery
We take a look at another one of the Warrens paranormal cases, The Snedeker House - inspiration for the horror film 'The Haunting In Connecticut'. Also, Union Cemetery - home of one of the most famous White Lady ghosts. Listen on Acast, iTunes, Stitcher, and most...
#87 – Weird News: Space Kentucky, & Others
You asked for it - A full-length Weird News Special. We talk KFC, ghosts and stuff. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Sharon Osbourne Poo Box Source - Express 'I'm nice now' Sharon Osbourne used...
#86 – Cults: Jonestown
This week we return to the topic of cults, to take a closer look at Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Documentary The 2006 documentary that we played clips...
#85 – The Bridgewater Triangle
Seven Types of Phenomena. Cryptids, ghosts, cults, aliens, and more. It's a Weird Tales Greatest Hits, Live From Bridgewater. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. The Documentary If you're interested...
#84 – The Ocean: Mysteries of the Deep
We revisit The Ocean this week. We sail around the world on the good ship Unexplainable and do some diving to look at Yonaguni, Mary Celeste, The Bermuda Triangle... and more. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast...
#83 – Full Moon
Tiss hosts an episode that questions the weird behavioural differences that we go through during the moon cycle. Lots of ramble & singing, and a bit of Weird News. Happy Days. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast...
At The British Podcast Awards 2017
We headed into London for the British Podcast Awards 2017 on Saturday. We won Bronze in the 'Best "Other" (AKA, Most Original Podcast)' category. We were really proud to be recognised amongst such well respected peers and judges. It was a really fun night, with plenty...
#82 – Sanity.
Discussion episode this week, we have special guest Charlie in the chat about Sanity. Some open talk about mental health, as well as buying condoms, using the toilet in school, and Trigger's broom. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and...
#81 – The Antichrist
Beef teaches us the meaning, and origins of the term 'Antichrist', Bob and Tiss take part in an art competition, and 'Coin In The Pudding' returns, for some reason. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services....
#80 – Haunted Cemeteries
A mini-episode this week. We look at 5 notorious cemeteries - Boot Hill, Resurrection, Bachelor's Grove, Saint Louis, & Stull. Special thanks to Jerel for sending in the details for this ep. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and...
#79 – Weird London
Bob is joined by James Stein again this week for another weird walking tour. Haunted underground stations, Tower of London, Highgate Cemetary, Viktor Wynd's, Bleeding Heart Yard, and more! Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other...
British Podcast Awards
We've been nominated for the British Podcast Awards! The 15 minute sampler that earned us the nomination, as requested by some of the listeners, has now been uploaded as a bonus mini-episode. Available on Acast here - Acast And of course, you can find us on iTunes,...
#78 – Weird News: Magnetic Dogs, & Others
Weird News! We talk planets, Cox, emotions, DeLonge, Sahara, and dog shit. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Dogs Dogs defecate in accordance with earth's magnetic field, research finds - from The...
#77 – Magic, with Sylar
This week we are joined by special guest, Sylar. He talks magic with us and performs some tricks that blow our minds! Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Sylar You can find Sylar online at -...
#76 – Necromancy
Death! Witchcraft! Resurrection! We talk dark magic, breath-stealing, dumb suppers, zombies, and more. Beef and Tiss get upset over the subject matter, and 'The Mystery Board' is back. Listen on Acast here – ACAST Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other...
#75 – Sacred Geometry, part 2 / Consciousness
Tiss continues his look into Sacred Geometry. This time - Vibrational Dimensions and Christ Consciousness. We go way off track this time though, and the episode turns away from mathematics, into philosophy. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes,...
#74 – Holocaust Denial
Guest host, History teacher, and Mrs. Beef - Rachel, takes us back to school this week. We learn about the growing movement of Holocaust deniers. A possibly controversial topic, (and obviously no offence intended in this episode). Listen on Acast here – Acast Also...
#73 – Sacred Geometry, part 1
Tissy helps us examine the geometric shapes that make up the universe and everything within it. Creation patterns, Fibonacci, Phi, platonic solids... We get mathematical. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services....
#72 – Weird News: Pentagon Bomb, & Others
Weird News week. Haunted houses, Kanye, Shia, Pentagon, Chemtrails, Angels, and the CIA. Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Swedish Palace 'Friendly Ghost'...
#71 – The Warrens: Amityville
Back to The Warrens. This time we investigate The Amityville Horror, including the Defeo massacre, the Lutz family's 28 days of terror, and the Amityville ghost boy. Enjoy! Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast...
#70 – Synesthesia
(or synaesthesia) - A cross-wiring of the senses. We educate ourselves a little in the many forms that Synesthesia can take, and talk to someone who can see sounds. Thanks Greg! Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast...
#69 – The Human Brain: Weird Brain
Beef gets 'The Mystery Board' out for another look into our weird brains. We talk about Stockholm Syndrome, Narcolepsy, Alien Hands, Cows, Corpses, Testicles and more. Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services....
#68 – Ghost Stories, v2
Another ghost stories ep - we read some stories that were sent to us, Bob has a conversation with a listener about his haunted home, and James Stein returns to tell us what made him believe in the paranormal. Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes,...
#67 – Royal Conspiracies
The British Royal Family are in trouble this week, as Tiss attempts to take down the Windsors. Nazis, Paedophiles, murderers... A possibly controversial episode to start 2017. Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast...
#66 – Weird Weymouth
Bob Shoy & James Stein take a walking tour through some of Weymouth's most haunted locations, with mixed results. Ghosts, tunnels, & karaoke. No Beef and Tiss, back to normal next week. Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most...
#65 – Weird Christmas 2016
It's the Weird Tales Christmas Special! We look at Yule, Krampus and Black Pete, talk favourite Christmas memories, songs and movies, learn about weird christmas traditions from around the world by playing Christmas themed game 'Coin In The Pudding', have a mini Fate...
#64 – Nostradamus
Bob hosts, we look at the life of Michel de Nostredame. Beef and Tiss attempt to guess the meanings behind his prophetic quatrains, we learn about the supposed Three Antichrists, and get philosophical with Osho. Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes,...
#63 – Weird News / Media Control
Media War! What starts out as a Weird News episode turns into a discussion about the way the media attempts to control the public. We talk Kanye, manipulation, conspiracy, internet regulation, pornography, and the great flood. A possibly controversial episode, back to...
#62 – History Of Witchcraft
Witchcraft! Beef gives us a history lesson, we take a look at Salem, and talk torture techniques. Also, Piss Cake, Roald Dahl and the Pear of Anguish. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Documentaries...
#61 – The Unexplainable.
Out 4th discussion show. Lauren joins us to talk about 'The Unexplainable'. Lots of off-topic talk on morality, the internet... and hairdressing. Listen on Acast here - Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services.
#60 – Cults: The Manson Family
Tissy hosts the first in a series of episodes on Cults. This time we learn about Charles Manson. We also talk orgies, and Mao. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Documentaries The Documentary that...
#59 – Weird News: The Clowns, & Others
Weird News! Clowns, Loch Ness, Delonge, Hawking, Conspiracies, and more. + a little but of politics, unfortunately. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Clown Delonge ...
#58 – Halloween Campfire 2016
Happy Halloween! We gather around the campfire to tell some Weird Tales, spooky stories, and delve into some strange local history. Huge thanks to everyone who attended. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services....
#57 – The Warrens: Annabelle
Story-time. We dissect the tale of the most notorious item in The Warrens Occult Museum - The Annabelle Doll. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Warrens Interview We played the beginning section of...
#56 – The Human Brain: Schizophrenia
Beef delivers the first in a series of episodes about the mysteries of the human brain, and strange malfunctions of the mind. We learn some brain facts, have a game of 'Out-thunk', and take a look at schizophrenia. Recorded on the floor at Tissy's place. Listen on...
#55 – The EVP Experiment
Bob enlists the help of James Stein to attempt his very own EVP experiment. Beef and Tiss weigh in on the results. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. If you were interested in conducting your own EVP...
#54 – Tesla
Tiss gives us a look at the life of Nikola Tesla. Harnessing Niagra, Edison rivalries, ACDC, unlimited power, death rays, and more. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Documentary Tiss recommends...
#53 – The Ocean: Creatures of the Deep
The first of 2 episodes about the Ocean. Bob hosts and talks Mermaids, Squid, The Kraken, and more. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. ASSAP For more info on ASSAP and their events check out their...
#52 – Weird News: Old Stinker & Others
Weird News is back... We talk about Werewolves, Robots, Asteroids, and Tromps. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Old Stinker Thanks to Neil for sending us this story. We read from this account of it -...
#51 – Area 51 & Roswell
Beef teaches us about Area 51 and the Roswell Incident, and Bob & Tiss rate some conspiracies on a scale of Piffle - A*. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Bob Lazar This is a great documentary that we...
#50 – Episode Fifty
It's the disappointing milestone episode! Prepare for us just talking about ourselves for an hour... Plus, a Ghost Story Of The Week. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Also! The cool design for...
#49 – Atlantis
Tiss educates us on the sunken city this week. We talk Plato, diving, and Minoans. We also take a look at 'The Bloop'. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Videos We watched sections from this documentary...
#48 – Black Holes
We talk to some real science men this week, (Jack & Godwin), to see if they push any real knowledge into our feeble brains. Prepare for an unplanned episode of us asking stupid questions about black holes and other 'science stuff'. We attempt to learn about...
#47 – The Warrens: The Perron Family & The Enfield Poltergeist
The week we look at renowned paranormal investigators - Ed and Lorraine Warren, and the true tales behind The Conjuring films. The popular horror films are based on 2 of their most famous cases - The Perron Family Haunting and The Enfield Poltergeist. Listen on Acast...
#46 – Alien Disclosure
Aliens Expert Laura steps in to guest host this episode. We look at many topics based on Alien Disclosure, including - the disclosure hearings, Steven Greer, Sirius, the Atacama humanoid, NASA cover-ups, Bob Lazar, and more. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available...
#45 – Angelic Visitations
Beef brings the mystery board back for an episode featuring stories, videos and props all based around the topic of angels. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Videos - Songs of Praise car crash...
#44b – Tissy’s Nightmare (bonus Transylvania Episode)
A bonus companion to the Transylvania episode. Tiss suffered from a bad nightmare on our first night in the country, this is a short conversation we had about it. Back to regular episodes next week. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and...
#44 – Vampires in Transylvania (Holiday Special)
We headed to Transylvania with a portable recorder to learn about Vampires, and Dracula himself. It's a part travelogue, part vampiric study, part nonsense, 2 hour holiday special. Enjoy! Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other...
#43 – Time Travel
Tiss takes us on a journey through the fourth dimension to talk about the scientific possibilities of time travel. We also look at paradoxes, black holes, and cases of time travel that have already possibly occurred, (such as Micheal Cera). Also, lots of film talk and...
#42 – Fear.
Our third discussion show. This week we are joined by Dan to talk about Fear, phobias, hate, anxiety, roller-coasters, & Star Wars. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services.
#41 – Strange Disappearances
Bob pulls out the 'Mystery Board' to talk about the missing Malaysian Airlines flight and tempts Beef and Tiss with the keywords - SPACE, TANK, BOAT, SLAVE, PARACHUTE, "DIANE", PHONE, U.F.O. & STONEHENGE. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes,...
#40 – Ghost Stories, v1
Our first episode dedicated entirely to ghost stories. We have stories from listeners, friends and family on this one. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services.
ANNOUNCEMENT (Weird Tales Presents – TMI)
Just a quick announcement for our listeners on Podomatic. Plus some extra waffle and a silly outtake. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services.
#39 – Yeti
This week, Beef takes us through The Yeti Trilogy: Yeti The Myth, Yeti The Man, & Yeti The Beast. Apologies for some sound issues on this episode. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Documentary We play...
#38 – Weird News: SUV To Mars & Others
Weird News this week. Talking King Tut, travelling to Mars, Obama's alien knowledge, coincidences, miracles, black holes, Pluto's heart, and more, and more. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. King Tut's...
#37 – Ancient, Ancient Egypt
This week we delve into history, with Tiss posing the question - 'Just how ancient is ancient Egypt?' Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Magical Egypt We played some clips from episode 2 of series 1...
#36 – The Ouija Experiment
This week Bob meets with listeners Shaun and Charlotte to run his own Ouija Experiment, Tiss and Beef review the recordings and cleanse the house, & and we talk to Aliens Expert Laura about her Ouija experiences. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on...
#35 – Mothman
Bob hosts an episode all about his favourite cryptid - The Mothman. We discuss the Point Pleasant mystery and the Silver Bridge disaster, Indrid Cold, John Keel, UFOs, mutants, prophecies and more. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and...
#34 – Weird News: Cat Queen & Others
More Weird News. This week we look at a trio of ghost sightings, Tom Delonge, Loch Ness, George Bush, and the Cat Queen. We also discuss the horrors of Mrs. Doubtfire. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services....
#33 – 9/11
Beef hosts an episode looking at the conspiracies surrounding the events of 9/11. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Documentaries We mentioned lots of doc on this show. Some of which can be found on...
#32 – Alien Autopsy Interview
This week we talk to Keith Bateman and Andy Bennett about their involvement with Ray Santilli and the infamous Alien Autopsy video, and their creation of the original 'Tent Footage'. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other...
#31 – Fate: Astrology
Another Fate episode this week. We revisit Nicky from the Tarot episode, learn about Astrology, and take a look at Bob's astrological chart. We talk Tiss' vanity, Beef's aggression and Bob's hairy ears. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher,...
#30 – Proof Of Aliens
Another Aliens episode, this time hosted by Tiss. He takes it upon himself to convince Bob and Beef of extraterrestrial life. We look at the Phoenix Lights, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, the Art Bell Area 51 caller, Sirius and more. Also, Weird Tales gets it's very own...
#29 – Weird News: Ghost Bride & Others
Another instalment of Weird News. Topics include Ghosts, Area 51, Laser Cloak, Loch Ness and Conspiracies. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Links, vids and pics of the topics we covered this week - Ghost...
#28 – Ouija
Bob hosts a show all about Ouija boards. Tiss gets unsettled by the props, and Beef takes part in a science experiment. Also, the long-awaited return of 'Ghost Story of the Week'. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast...
#27 – Weird News: The Vanishing Woman & Others
Another Weird News. Topics include flat Earth, a vanishing woman, Bran Castle, Paul the Octopus, fairy circles and Shakespeare's head. Apologies for a short, nonsense episode. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast...
#26 – JFK
Tiss takes us back into the world of conspiracies with a look at the JFK assassination. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. JFK (the movie) clips we played - "Back and the the left"...
#25 – Belief.
Our 2nd big discussion episode. Bob, Beef, Tiss, and special guest Swift, take a broad look at belief. We each pose our own questions on the subject. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Books mentioned -...
#24 – Weird Web: Internet Mysteries
Bob hosts an episode looking at popular mysteries from around the internet. We talk about Cicada 3301, A858, and others. We also watch some unidentified videos and discuss bitcoin. Be warned - there are some low energy levels on this ep, (it was the end of a long...
#23 – Weird News: Bob Marley, Gravitational Waves & Others
First of a new type of show, where we look at weird stories that have been in the news recently. We talk aliens, ghosts, science, and dead bodies. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Links to the news...
#22 – Parallel Universes
Beef hosts, and tells us some strange stories and strange science. We also get to talk about Elvis, Mandela and the Berenstain Bears. Tiss is tired. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. E. Hugh...
#21 – Psychedelic Phone-in
Companion episode to #8 - The Psychedelic Experience. We talk to three different psychedelic drug users about their experiences and opinions of DMT and mushrooms. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. No real...
#20 – New World Order & Reptilians
Tiss hosts. Bob and Beef learn about the mysteries of Denver Airport, we discuss Celebrities in the New World Order and watch some Reptilian Shapeshifters on YouTube. We go off topic a little in the episode. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes,...
#19 – Fate: Japanese Fortunes
Special mini episode. Bob returns from Japan with travel recordings for our 2nd Fate show. We talk about shrine wishes and our possible fortunes for 2016. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Fushimi Inari...
#18 – Aliens
Bob hosts. We finally talk about Aliens. We take a look at some commonly sighted Alien types, talk crop circles, cattle mutilations & probing, and discuss some bigger bigger extraterrestrial concepts. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes,...
#17 – Serial Killers
Beef hosts. We talk about the key traits common in serial killers, look at some notorious examples, including H.H. Holmes, Jim Jones/Jonestown & Ted Bundy. Bob & Tiss take a Psychopath Test. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and...
#16 – Dreams
Guest host Karim takes over for Tiss this week, as our official 'Dreams Expert'. He teaches us how to have lucid dreams and shares some of his experiences with it. We also discuss recurring dreams, sex dreams, nightmares, stealing biscuits and more. Listen on Acast...
#15 – EVP
Bob hosts an episode all about EVP, or Electronic Voice Phenomena. We look at what it means, what it could be, where it started, how to do it, different types and listen to lots of examples. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most...
#14 – Fate: Tarot
The first in a series of bonus episodes on the topic of Fate. In this one we all visit a Tarot reader, and Bob gets a reading. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Nicky's YouTube page You can watch videos...
#13 – Near Death Experiences
Beef hosts. We talk about near death experiences reaching all the way back to Plato. When you reach the point of possible death, are you witnessing the white lights of heaven, or is your brain just exploding? Beef and Tiss nearly drown and Bob sees a topless woman....
#12 – Conspiracy Theories: Hitler, Simulation, Shakespeare & MKUltra
Tiss hosts and tells a selection of conspiracy theories including - Simulation Theory, MKUltra, Der Glocke, Fake-Speare and more. Beef isn't having any of it. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Hitler -...
#11 – Cryptozoology
Bob hosts. We talk about some of the more famous cryptids out there, including Bigfoot and Nessie. We look at clips and pics, hear eyewitness accounts, and go off track with our amazement of the Chinese city in the sky. Also, Ghost Story of the Week. 'Watch out for...
#10 – Life, Death & Existence.
Episode 10! Our first ever 'discussion show'. The most unexplainable question of all - Life, and what happens after. We each bring our own Life questions to the table and discuss. We have some sound issues for the last 20 or so minutes, so apologies in advance for...
#9 – Demonic Possession
Beef hosts a bumper length episode. We talk about Angels and Demons, pigs, guardians, and Beef even delivers some first hand exorcism accounts. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Furious Love - We...
#8 – The Psychedelic Experience
Tiss hosts an episode full of weird psychedelic stories and ideas. We talk DMT, synaesthesia, meditation, the evolutionary, religious and extraterrestrial possibilities of mushrooms, and listen to some Terence McKenna. Does something exist if there is no observer?...
#7 – Haunted Houses
Bob hosts. We talk about what ghosts are, what makes a house haunted and ask 'why are there no modern ghosts?'. We also hear a few first hand accounts of living in haunted houses and list the most haunted houses in the world. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also...
#6 – Sleep Paralysis
Tiss hosts an episode all about Sleep Paralysis and the hallucinations that go with it. We look at it scientifically, spiritually and logically, and even talk to some people with their very own first hand accounts. Also, Ghost Story of the Week as usual. Listen on...
#5 – Miracles
Beef hosts and recounts some first hand experiences of healing miracles, Tiss teaches us to see his aura and we discover the best way to make money on the horses. Also, Ghost Story of the Week as usual. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher,...
#4 – Weird Media
Bob hosts a last minute show where we look at strange and renowned stories from the worlds of films, music, games and TV. Including cursed films and broadcast intrusions. We also talk briefly about Ouija boards, seances and Three Men & a Baby. Also, Ghost Story of...
#3 – Numbers Stations
Tiss hosts a more conversational episode this week, where we talk about Numbers Stations and listen to some recordings. We go off topic a little with discussions of Fear of the Unknown and Dreams. Also - Ghost Story of the Week as usual. Apologies for a slight dip in...
#2 – Mozambique Stories
A very different show this week, as Beef talks about his unexplainable stories from his time in Mozambique, including contact with Witch Doctors and experiences of possible miracles. A Christian, an Atheist and an Agnostic discuss belief and morality. Also, Ghost...
#1 – The Man From Maputo
Bob recounts a few notorious and odd tales to Tiss and Beef for our very first episode. No theme this week, just some strange stories. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Parallel...