We take a look at another one of the Warrens paranormal cases, The Snedeker House – inspiration for the horror film ‘The Haunting In Connecticut’.
Also, Union Cemetery – home of one of the most famous White Lady ghosts.

Listen on Acast, iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services.


The Haunting In Connecticut

Trailer – YouTube



A few of the websites either mentioned on the show or used for research.
More info on the Snedeker case –

dreadcentral.com – A Haunting in Connecticut: What Really Happened?

atlasobscura.com – Snedeker House

exemplore.com – The Real Haunting Story of the Connecticut Snedeker’s House

And the following was mentioned in regards to Union Cemetery –

damnedct.com – Union Cemetery, Easton


John Zaffis

Wikipedia page 

Video played on the episode, featuring Zaffis talking about ‘The Haunting In Connecticut’ film –
On YouTube


Ed and Lorraine Interviews

On the Snedeker House – on YouTube

On Union Cemetery – on YouTube

Also an interesting interview with the Snedeker family that we didn’t get around to on the show –


Warrens Books

In A Dark Place (documenting the Snedeker House case)

Graveyard: True Hauntings Of An Old New England Cemetery (all about Union Cemetery)

Both available on Amazon, among other places



Making A Murderer (mentioned by Beef this week)

Silence Of The Lambs (Beef and Bob always recommend)

There’s A Ghost In My House‘, R Dean Taylor (Outro music this week)