We headed to Transylvania with a portable recorder to learn about Vampires, and Dracula himself.
It’s a part travelogue, part vampiric study, part nonsense, 2 hour holiday special.

Listen on Acast here – Acast
Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services

Holiday Snaps

A selection of some of the pictures we took on our travels.
View over Brasov from our apartment.
Visiting the birthplace of Vlad in Sighisoara, and realising that Tiss may be a descendant.
Recording at Bran Castle.

Graffiti in Brasov.
Views at Rasnov Fortress and on the way back to Brasov.
(you can hear the one of Bob and Beef recording being taken on the episode)

Here’s the full documentary that we played a short clip of on the ep, Tissy since watched the whole thing and fully recommends it.
The Real Dracula – Vlad The Impaler


Vampire Vid
Proof of vampires!
This is the vid that Bob plays the guys on their last night.


Escape Room

We talk about the Escape Room we visit on the last day.
Here’s the website – http://escaperoomsbrasov.com/discover-draculas-den/?lang=en
We did the Dracula’s Den Escape.
Here’s the pic of us when we came out that we found on their FaceBook page –

and here’s proof of our time (just made it) –


We mention around one-million vampire films during the ep.
These ones are def mentioned, some of which we recommend (not all!)

Comic Recommendations 

Bob recommends a couple of vampire-related comics during the ep.

The ‘American Vampire’ series by Scott Snyder is pretty fantastic, volume one is co-written with Stephen King.

There are a few Batman stories involving vampires, and Dracula, which are not in continuity but quite fun, and all three are available in one volume, just title ‘Batman: Vampire’.
(The seperate stories are called – Red Rain, Bloodstorm, and Crimson Mist)

Also, I’ve not read myself but have had the series ‘I, Vampire’ recommended to me on good authority.
Bob talks a little about his battered copy of ‘salems Lot that he was reading on the trip.
This is it –
Blood Orange (credit)

During one little section of the podcast you can hear the song ‘Love Ya’ from the album ‘Freetown Sound’ by ‘Blood Orange’, in the background.