Tiss takes us back into the world of conspiracies with a look at the JFK assassination.
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Here’s the clip we played at the front of the show, from one of Bill Hicks stand up routines –
The map we look at on the show –

We listen to this speech on the show, the speech that apparently got JFK killed. We didn’t listen to the whole speech, so here it is in it’s entirety-
Recommended on the show; Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s classic.
(Also made into a film by Zack Snyder)
Also recommened on the show; Stephen King’s JFK / time travel book.
Now a TV series, starring James Franco.
at one point in this cast i’m pretty sure i heard you guys play a clip from the infowars guy alex jones. but the clip wasn’t included on here so i’m not sure…. i know this is an older episode and you r probably aware by now, but that guy is a complete crackpot. i’m all for conspiracies but in his eyes literally everything that’s ever happened in the world is a conspiracy. that means your podcast for example is probably a government controlled show brainwashing people in his eyes. basically i’m saying any clips or info from that guy is probably going to cause most americans to immediately roll their eyes and dismiss the episode or parts of it. love the show guys and hope this doesn’t come across in a negative way as i’m sure it probably will lol. but just my advice/opinion