Beef hosts.
We talk about the key traits common in serial killers, look at some notorious examples, including H.H. Holmes, Jim Jones/Jonestown & Ted Bundy. Bob & Tiss take a Psychopath Test.
We talk about the key traits common in serial killers, look at some notorious examples, including H.H. Holmes, Jim Jones/Jonestown & Ted Bundy. Bob & Tiss take a Psychopath Test.
Listen on Acast here – Acast
Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services.
Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services.
Psychopath Test
Here’s a link to the psychopath test that Beef gives to Bob and Tiss on the show-
H.H. Holmes
The documentary that Beef recommended is titled-
H.H. Holmes: America’s First Serial Killer
At the time of recording the episode, it had been taken off of Netflix, where Beef had watched it. He says on the show that he found it on YouTube to watch in it’s entirety, but we can’t find it on there now either. It is worth hunting down for yourself though if you are interested. Well recommended.
Jim Jones / The Jonestown Massacre
Another documentary recommended by Beef on the show-
Jonestown: Paradise Lost
Apparently is available on Netflix. It is also on YouTube at the moment (split into parts) if you search there for it.
A few audio clips from YouTube –
Ted Bundy
Here is the video to the clip we play of Ted Bundy on the show-
Here is the video to the clip we play of Ted Bundy on the show-
Films / TV
We mention a numer of films (as usual) on the show, aside from the documentaries listed above.
Obviously, the classic, American Psycho–
Also, three different films were mentioned when we talked about Ed Gein.
Silence Of The Lambs, Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
And, we also mention the TV series, Dexter.
Tiss –
Tiss –