Episode 10!
Our first ever ‘discussion show’.
The most unexplainable question of all – Life, and what happens after.
We each bring our own Life questions to the table and discuss.
We have some sound issues for the last 20 or so minutes, so apologies in advance for that.
Listen on Acast here – Acast
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Delusions –
All three of the following books were mentioned on the show.
The God Delusion
– Richard Dawkins
The Dawkins Delusion? – Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine
– Alister McGrath and Joanna McGrath
The Science Delusion
– Rupert Sheldrake
Evolution Vs. God –
Short film that Beef mentions during this episode.
The Unbelievers –
Documentary film about Athiesm which Bob and Beef talk about.
I really enjoy the shows, even the creepy ones.
I listen to them every night before bed with the lights off and they really are intriguing and thought provoking.
The only thing I don’t like is the swearing. I’m not used to it and even the bleeped words are identifiable.
Top podcast for me all the same 😊